2014年9月16日 星期二

莎士比亞十四行詩 138 恋愛在老年

莎士比亚十四行詩 138



我的情人断言 ,她説的全是真,

尽管她説假話 ,而我深信無疑 ;

或許 她当我是个 天真小子 ,

对这世界的奸狡 一無所知;

她説我年青 ,我飘飘欲仙 ,

尽管她知道 ,我已过盛年 。

她满口虚言 ,我讚賞稱心 :

双方在隐瞒 ,这显而易见。

可是 ,她为何不説 她错了?

而我 ,为何不説 自己老了?

啊!愛的最佳惯例, 是信任又賞臉 ;

而恋愛在老年,不愛年岁指指点点 。

  所以 ,我哄她 ,她哄我 ;

  我们都惬意,用假話 对付困惑 。


&&&&&&&2009-2-26 18:39:52&&符甦 &&&2014-9-15 &&&&&&&&&&

    Sonnet 138

 When my love swears that she is made of truth
I do believe her, though I know she lies,
That she might think me some untutor'd youth,
Unlearned in the world's false subtleties.
Thus vainly thinking that she thinks me young,
Although she knows my days are past the best,
Simply I credit her false speaking tongue:
On both sides thus is simple truth suppress'd.
But wherefore says she not she is unjust?
And wherefore say not I that I am old?
O, love's best habit is in seeming trust,
And age in love loves not to have years told:
  Therefore I lie with her and she with me,
  And in our faults by lies we flatter'd be.


O, love's best habit is in seeming trust

啊!愛的最佳惯例,是信任在表面 ;

in seeming trust = 得體的信任

love's best habit is  trust
in seeming trust 得体的信任。

………符甦 2014916

2014年9月1日 星期一

恩格斯  《致 大不列颠 工人階級》
符甦 勘謬 






Condition of the Working Class in England, by Engels, 1845

To The Working-Classes of Great-Britain


Working Men!

To you I dedicate a work, in which I have tried to lay before my German Countrymen a faithful picture of your condition, of your sufferings and struggles, of your hopes and prospects. I have lived long enough amidst you to know something about your circumstances; I have devoted to their knowledge my most serious attention, I have studied the various official and non-official documents as far as I was able to get hold of them -- I have not been satisfied with this, I wanted more than a mere abstract knowledge of my subject, I wanted to see you in your own homes, to observe you in your everyday life, to chat with you on your condition and grievances, to witness your struggles against the social and political power of your oppressors. I have done so: I forsook the company and the dinner-parties, the port-wine and champagne of the middle-classes, and devoted my leisure-hours almost exclusively to the intercourse with plain Working-Men; I am both glad and proud of having done so. Glad, because thus I was induced to spend many a happy hour in obtaining a knowledge of the realities of life -- many an hour, which else would have been wasted in fashionable talk and tiresome etiquette; proud, because thus I got an opportunity of doing justice to an oppressed and calumniated class of men who with all their faults and under all the disadvantages of their situation, yet command the respect of every one but an English money-monger; proud, too, because thus I was placed in a position to save the English people from the growing contempt which on the Continent has been the necessary consequence of the brutally selfish policy and general behaviour of your ruling middle-class.   1







符甦 勘謬 









 Top of Form

  我獻給你們一本書。在這本書裡,我想把你們的狀況、你們的苦難和鬥爭、你們的希望和要求的真實情況 描繪給我的德國同胞。我曾經在你們當中生活過一個足夠的時期,對你們的處境有足夠的了解。我非常認真地研究過你們的狀況,研究過我所能弄到的各種官方的和非官方的文件,但是我並不以此為滿足。我尋求的並不僅僅是和這個題目有關的抽象的知識,我曾經在你們的住宅中看到你​​們,你們的日常生活,同你們談論你們的狀況和你們的疾苦,親眼看你們為反抗你們的壓迫者的社會的和政治的統治而進行的鬥爭。我是這樣做了我拋棄了社交活動和宴會,拋棄了中間階級的葡萄牙紅葡萄酒和香檳酒,把自己的空閒時間 幾乎都用來和普通工人交往;對此我感到高興和自豪。高興的是這樣一來我在了解你們實際生活的過程中度過了許多歡樂時光,否則這些時間就在時髦閒談和討厭的禮節中消磨掉;自豪的是這樣一來 我就有機會為這個受壓迫受誹謗的階級做一件應該做的事,這些人儘管有種種缺點並且處於重重不利的地位,但仍然引起每個人的尊敬,只有英國的錢販子才是例外;還值得自豪的是這樣我就能英國人民,使他們不致日益受歐洲大陸的鄙視,而這種鄙視,正是你們國家的當權的中間階級窮凶極惡自私自利的政策和一般作的必然後果。


什麼 編譯局

 竟把 OPPONENTS  譯作“敵人”


所以,我們中國 1949-1979

全部 有錢人



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Having, at the same time, ample opportunity to watch the middle-classes, your opponents, I soon came to the conclusion that you are right, perfectly right in expecting no support whatever from them. Their interest is diametrically opposed to yours, though they always will try to maintain the contrary and to make you believe in their most hearty sympathy with your fates. Their doings give them the lie. I hope to have collected more than sufficient evidence of the fact, that -- be their words what they please -- the middle-classes intend in reality nothing else but to enrich themselves by your labour while they can sell its produce, and to abandon you to starvation as soon as they cannot make a profit by this indirect trade in human flesh. What have they done to prove their professed goodwill towards you? Have they ever paid any serious attention to your grievances? Have they done more than paying the expenses of half-a-dozen commissions of inquiry, whose voluminous reports are damned to everlasting slumber among heaps of waste paper on the shelves of the Home Office? Have they even done as much as to compile from those rotting blue-books a single readable book from which everybody might easily get some information on the condition of the great majority of "free-born Britons"? Not they indeed, those are things they do not like to speak of -- they have left it to a foreigner to inform the civilised world of the degrading situation you have to live in.     2

   同時我也有很多的機會來觀察你們的競爭對手——中間階級,而且很快就確信,你們中間階級那裡得到任何援助是正確的,是完全正確的。他們的利益和你們的利益是完全針鋒相,雖然他們經常在企圖證明與此相反的說法,企圖使你們相信 他們衷心地同情你們的命運。他們所做的駁倒了他們所說的。我希望我收集到的材料用來證明下面這件事是綽綽有餘的:中間階級,不管他們口頭上怎麼說,實際上只有一個目的,那就是當你們的勞動的產品能賣出去的時候就靠你們的勞動發財,而一到這種間接的人肉買賣無利可圖的時候,就拋棄你們,讓你們餓死。他們口口聲聲 要善待你們,他們究竟做了些什麼來證明?對你們的苦況,他們認真地注意過嗎?除了負擔派來調查你們的狀況的五六個委員會的經費,他們還為你們做了些什麼呢?而這些委員會的大本大本的報告已成了廢紙堆,永遠放在的檔案架上。從這些腐的藍皮書中,他們可有編寫過一本易讀的書,使每一個人都能有些了解 絕大多數生而自由的不列顛人的真實生活狀況嗎?沒有,他們當然不這樣做;所有這些都是他們不喜歡談論的事情。你們所處的屈辱的狀況,他們讓一個外國人來文明世界報導


A foreigner to them, not to you, I hope. Though my English may not be pure, yet, I hope, you will find it plain English. No workingman in England -- nor in France either, by-the-by -- ever treated me as a foreigner. With the greatest pleasure I observed you to be free from that blasting curse, national prejudice and national pride, which after all means nothing but wholesale selfishness -- I observed you to sympathise with every one who earnestly applies his powers to human progress -- may he be an Englishman or not -- to admire every thing great and good, whether nursed on your native soil or not -- I found you to be more than mere Englishmen, members of a single, isolated nation, I found you to be Men, members of the great and universal family of Mankind, who know their interest and that of all the human race to be the same. And as such, as members of this Family of "One and Indivisible" Mankind, as Human Beings in the most emphatical meaning of the word, as such I, and many others on the Continent, hail your progress in every direction and wish you speedy success.     3

   但是我希望,我對他們來說才是外國人,而對你們來說卻不是。我的英語也許不很地道,但是,我希望你們發現它是淺白英語。無論在英國或是在法國,從來沒有一個工人把我當作外國人看待。我極其高興地看到 你們已經擺脫了民族偏見和民族優越感。這些極端有害的東西歸根到底只是徹頭徹尾自私自利而已。我看到你們,對待每一個為人類的進步而真誠地力的人, 情真意切,不管他是不是英國人;我看到你們嚮往一切偉大的美好的事物,不論它是不是在你們祖國的土地上出現的。我覺得,你們並不僅僅是普通的英國人,不僅僅是一個孤立的國家的成員;你們是意識到自己的利益和全人類的利益相一致的人,是一個偉大的人類大家庭中的成員。正是由於你們把自己這個「統一而不可分的」人類大家庭中的成員,當真正符合「人」這個字的含義的人,所以我和歐洲大陸許多人一樣,為你們在各方面的進步歡呼願你們更快成功。


但是我希望,我对他们来说才是外国人,而对你们来说却不是。我的英语也许不很道地,但是,我希望你们将发现它是平易近人。顺便说一句,无论在英国或是在法国,从来没有一个工人把我当外国人看待。我极其满意地看到你们已经摆脱了民族偏见和民族优越感。这些极端有害的东西归根到底只是大规模的利己主义wholesale selfishness而已。我看到你们同情每一个为人类的进步而真诚地献出自己力量的人,不管他是不是英国人;我看到你们仰慕一切伟大的美好的事物,不论它是不是在你们祖国的土地上产生的。我确信,你们并不仅仅是普通的英国人,不仅仅是一个孤立的民族的成员;你们是意识到自己的利益和全人类的利益相一致的人,是一个伟大的大家庭中的成员。正是由于我把你们当做这个统一而不可分的人类大家庭中的成员,当做真正符合这个字的含义的人,所以我和大陆上其他许多人一样,祝贺你们在各方面的进步,希望你们很快地获得成功。

Go on then, as you have done hitherto. Much remains to be undergone; be firm, be undaunted -- your success is certain, and no step you will have to take in your onward march will be lost to our common cause, the cause of Humanity!  4


(Rhenan Prussia)
March 15th, 1845






致大不列顛工人階級這一篇文章是恩格斯用英文寫的,他本打算以單行本出版並分發給英國各政黨的某些領袖、著作家和議會議員 1845年和1892年德文版英國工人階級狀況中轉載了這篇文章,1887年的美國版和1892年的英國版並沒有把這篇文章收在裡面。 ——273頁。







